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XPilot game record video: Taras vs Tut
Games > PC
154.6 MB

XPilot game recording duel
+0 / -0 (0)

Aug 23, 2008

Record of XPilot game:
duel Taras vs Tut.

Taras was ~200 ms lagged and won duel, though Tut was local wuss and did operator things to win.

Since that time Tut always pause when Taras joins, because Tut doesn't want be recorded loosing again :)


To view this you need utility("replay") from XPilot game.
In XPilotNG it is called "xpilot-ng-replay".

1. I was a semi local wuss, not local. I'm located approximately 200 km from the server.

2. I had some extra lag due to many torrents running.

3. I'm a keyboarder, Taras is a mouse wuss.

4. Taras benefits from -dirPrediction, which reduces the effects of lag for mouse wussies.

The "operator things" that Taras talk about is a typical example of his retarded fucking bullshit.
At 01:09:18, 01:14:05 and 01:19:37 in the video I temporarily lose control of my ship (an XPilot bug). This can kind of be seen in the video, but it's not completely obvious to the casual observer.
So I did the only rational thing: I used my operator status to pause myself while floating, and then reset the round.

> 1. I was a semi local wuss, not local. I'm located approximately 200 km from the server.

You had no more 50 ms, while I had 200ms.

> 2. I had some extra lag due to many torrents running.

That isn't my problem - you know I'm recording match, so you could stop them.

> 3. I'm a keyboarder, Taras is a mouse wuss.
> 4. Taras benefits from -dirPrediction, which reduces the effects of lag for mouse wussies.

Maybe I will send you my mouse, when will buy new one.

> The "operator things" that Taras talk about is a typical example of his retarded fucking bullshit.

This uncensored words - typical expression of emotions after loosing - this video shows you lost the duel(my kills count was 50 more then yours, tho my balls count was 2 less then yours)

>At 01:09:18, 01:14:05 and 01:19:37 in the video I temporarily lose control of my ship (an XPilot bug). This can kind of be seen in the video, but it's not completely obvious to the casual observer.
So I did the only rational thing: I used my operator status to pause myself while floating, and then reset the round.

I wasn't able to do that if that bug occur in my client. And loosing control bugs if fixed by stopping pressing buttons - not a reason to reset round.
Lets comment here for casual reader how XPilot match on XPilot Tournament Map(bloods) is proceed - match consist of two legs - leg is 12 rounds with one player(team) in team 2, and another in team 4 - second leg players(teams) swap teams.
That player(team) wins who got more points(sum of points in two legs).

This game can't be called match, cos it had only one leg, we played much more then 12 rounds and we started with different points(from server previous ranking; Tut had less points, so he got much suipoints).

I'm ready to play real match.
1. The fact remains, I was not local.

2. The fact remains, I had some extra lag.

3. The fact remains, I have disadvantage of using keyboard.

4. The fact remains, Taras has advantage of dirPrediction.

5. The fact remains, I did not use my operator status to gain advantage, only to prevent Taras from scoring float points when I lost control of my ship.

Oh btw, the rule of playing 2x12 rounds is a TeamCup rule.
TeamCup rules are to be followed when the players have agreed to use the TeamCup rules.
In other situations a match is free to run arbitrary number of rounds.

0. The fact remains, you are noob.

> 1. The fact remains, I was not local.

The fact remains that you was 200 km away from server. That is no more 50 ms(prolly 25 or so) what equals local wuss.

> 2. The fact remains, I had some extra lag.

I say again, you could stop them, so this isn't fact and I don't think torrents do extra lag on your 100mbit/s up/down link.

> 3. The fact remains, I have disadvantage of using keyboard.

Get a mouse, noob! It isn't that expensive. I have cheap mouse for few bucks, I guess you have better and don't use it.

> 4. The fact remains, Taras has advantage of dirPrediction.

Well you couldn't get advantage from dirPrediction if you was using mouse, since you was local wuss(25-50 ms = local wuss)

> 5. The fact remains, I did not use my operator status to gain advantage, only to prevent Taras from scoring float points when I lost control of my ship.

Well you won few rounds(3) with this.

So? All your facts are broken and have no matter, though this video shows a fact that I won duel(not a TeamCup style one) and it show also that you are noob!
1. The fact remains, I was not local.

2. Ok, you're right about this one. It's a factor I could actually affect during the match, so it doesn't count.

(But you clearly do not have knowledge of network technology. Pumping large volumes of packets severly degrades latency even on a 100/100 line. At least without QoS)

3. The fact remains, I have disadvantage of using keyboard.

4. The fact remains, Taras has advantage of dirPrediction.

5. The fact remains, I did not use my operator status to gain advantage, only to prevent Taras from scoring float points when I lost control of my ship.
Pft. Talking with you its like to talk with wall.

> 1. The fact remains, I was not local.

Well. How much ms you actually had?
I bet no more 50, what equals local wuss, comparing to 200 ms hell(yeah, my connection was really crap that evening).

> 3. The fact remains, I have disadvantage of using keyboard.

Yes using keyboard is really disadvantage.
But this isn't fact, you have mouse on your pc for sure and can easily use it.

> 4. The fact remains, Taras has advantage of dirPrediction.

For first, this affects only steering.
For second, I had 200 ms latency, dirPrediction doesn't reduce latency to one like local wussies have(even not up to 100 ms for me).

3 and 4 aren't facts - agree with that - you CAN use mouse, since you HAVE it, but DON'T WANT to use, `cos you can say then "I have an disadvantage of using keyboard"!

Well lets even if not count my latency and your disadvantages(lets say they equal, though in fact it was much harder to play for me then to you) - I won the match.
1. The fact remains, I was not local.

3. The fact remains, I have disadvantage of using keyboard.

4. The fact remains, Taras has advantage of dirPrediction.

5. Wow, have you finally stopped lying about this?

Your retarded bullshit regarding fact 3 and 4 is irrelevant. You are the one who started to whine about your disadvantages, in your description of this torrent. And you flat out lied about me using operator status to gain advantage.
Then it is only fair that I describe the facts that were MY disadvantages.

It's not a question of whether I can afford a mouse...I'm a keyboard player, that's just the way it is. And therefore I pointed out that keyboard has less control over ship than mouse.
It's called a fact. Look it up in a dictionary.

Oh, and try to get it through your braindamaged head that I'm not local. I have low lag yes, but that's not automatically the same thing as being LOCAL.

> 3. The fact remains, I have disadvantage of using keyboard.
> 4. The fact remains, Taras has advantage of dirPrediction.
> Then it is only fair that I describe the facts that were MY disadvantages.
> It's not a question of whether I can afford a mouse...I'm a keyboard player, that's just the way it is. And therefore I pointed out that keyboard has less control over ship than mouse.
It's called a fact. Look it up in a dictionary.

Yes, you are disadvantaged keyboard noob.

> 5. Wow, have you finally stopped lying about this?
> Your retarded bullshit regarding fact 3 and 4 is irrelevant. You are the one who started to whine about your disadvantages, in your description of this torrent. And you flat out lied about me using operator status to gain advantage.

Yes your disadvantages are MINOR, while 200 ms latency is MAJOR disadvantage.

> ... whine ...
I won anyway.

> 1. The fact remains, I was not local.
> Oh, and try to get it through your braindamaged head that I'm not local. I have low lag yes, but that's not automatically the same thing as being LOCAL.

Motherfucker, you latency was? (in ms)
As I say AGAIN less then 50 ms makes it ALMOST local - you feel ALMOST NO difference. So that ALMOST equal LOCAL.
But 200 ms isn't 50 and it isn't 100, it is 200.
> Yes, you are disadvantaged keyboard noob.

You finally confirmed my keyboard fact.
Thank you retard.

> Yes your disadvantages are MINOR, while 200 ms latency is MAJOR disadvantage.

My combined disadvantages were not really minor compared to your lag, considering you have the benefit of dirPrediction.

> As I say AGAIN less then 50 ms makes it ALMOST local - you feel ALMOST NO difference. So that ALMOST equal LOCAL.

Well, almost local ain't the SAME fucking thing as local, now is it?
I already told you while we played that I was semi local, but your defective brain refused to listen.
Turn off your retarded mouth and start listening instead, and you might actually learn something for once.

> You finally confirmed my keyboard fact. Thank you retard.

I say again - play with mouse, bullshit noob.
That isn't disadvantage, since that is possible.

> My combined disadvantages were not really minor compared to your lag, considering you have the benefit of dirPrediction.

Hmmm. Yes dirPrediction helped me a bit(but it didn't even descreased my latency to 100 ms and it only affect steering), while it won't gave you ANY effect even if you was playing with mouse - there are NO difference with local latency and less then 50 latency, which you had.

> Well, almost local ain't the SAME fucking thing as local, now is it?
> I already told you while we played that I was semi local, but your defective brain refused to listen.

No, that you have fucked brains, I say again there are NO difference between local latency and less then 50 ms latency.

Can you, fucked noob, finally understand this and stop saying non-truth bullshit?

> Turn off your retarded mouth and start listening instead, and you might actually learn something for once.

No, that you stop whinning about your minor disadvantages - I WON ANYWAY.

> I say again - play with mouse, bullshit noob.
> That isn't disadvantage, since that is possible.

To become a good player, mouse or keyboard, one first has to train for many hundred of hours.
How the hell was I supposed to suddenly become a good mouse player in the match against you?

It would be equivalent if I demanded that you move to a country closer to the game server, and upgrade to a faster internet connection in your new home. So that you could reduce your disadvantage of lag. That is possible to do, so why didn't you do it before our match!?
Never mind how much it would cost you, it's POSSIBLE.
Fucking retard...

> Hmmm. Yes dirPrediction helped me a bit(but it didn't even descreased my latency to 100 ms and it only affect steering),

You finally confirmed my dirPrediction fact.
Thank you retard.

> there are NO difference with local latency and less then 50 latency, which you had.

True local lag is typically 5 ms or less.
So, is there no difference between lag of 5 ms and 50 ms? I would say there is a difference of 45 ms. But then again, I don't have Down's syndrome like you.

Oh, and regarding your whining about me needing to buy a mouse, me being a noob, me needing to shut up, and so on and so forth:
How about if you fix your fucking Caps Lock key.
It seems to be activated quite often.
It doesn't improve your faulty reasoning, it only makes it more annoying.

And finally, learn some proper english you uCrainian neanderthal.

> To become a good player, mouse or keyboard, one first has to train for many hundred of hours.
How the hell was I supposed to suddenly become a good mouse player in the match against you?

ROFL, you can't play good neither with keyboard nor with mouse, you, fucked into the mouth, noob.

> It would be equivalent if I demanded that you move to a country closer to the game server, and upgrade to a faster internet connection in your new home. So that you could reduce your disadvantage of lag. That is possible to do, so why didn't you do it before our match!?
Never mind how much it would cost you, it's POSSIBLE.
Fucking retard...

SO! That you play with keyboard ISN'T disadvantage, `COS you picked keyboard way years before, its not MY fault it is YOUR fault and whinning about that isn't a fact. YOU FUCKED WHORE NOOBFUCK!!!!

> You finally confirmed my dirPrediction fact.
Thank you retard.

READ what I WROTE above:
>> ... it won't gave you ANY effect even if you was playing with mouse ...
COS you had less then 50 ms, so dirPrediction have no effect for less then 50 ms.

> Really?
True local lag is typically 5 ms or less.
So, is there no difference between lag of 5 ms and 50 ms? I would say there is a difference of 45 ms. But then again, I don't have Down's syndrome like you.

There is no difference between 5 and 50 COMPARING to difference between 50 and 200, which I had.

But what was your latency? I will say it was 25, till you won't say truth(I guess truth is 15 or so...).

> Oh, and regarding your whining about me needing to buy a mouse, me being a noob, me needing to shut up, and so on and so forth:
How about if you fix your fucking Caps Lock key.
It seems to be activated quite often.
It doesn't improve your faulty reasoning, it only makes it more annoying.

"This song is called an idiot.
FUCK YOU! (another voice)
so, FUCK YOU (first voice)"
(I guess you understood my mind with that quote)

I use BIG LETTERS cos you are stupid idiot - can't understand simple things...

Thats MARK where to read and THINK!!!

> And finally, learn some proper english you uCrainian neanderthal.

Fuck you nazi shit!